While our tournament this year will look a little different than previous years, we are excited to host the 2024 GARDEN CITY CHARITY CLASSIC.

We are looking forward to a great tournament and WE NEED YOUR HELP. We have various volunteer positions that need to be filled in order to make this year’s event successful.

All volunteers receive two (2) tournament t-shirts, a tournament hat, and food & drink tickets for every day that they volunteer.

As our community continues to adjust to a new normal the health and safety of the volunteers, players, and spectators will remain our biggest priority. Buffalo Dunes has implemented strict processes to comply with health official guidelines and we will continue to monitor and adjust as necessary. This is an exciting event for the City of Garden City and Buffalo Dunes and we look forward to seeing you at the golf course!

    Questions? Call Finney County CVB at 620-276-0607

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