HRC Monster Movie Bash

Holcomb Recreation Commission 106 Wiley Street, Holcomb

Get your kids signed up for our movie night for Halloween! You can sign up online, print off the sign-up form and bring it into the HRC office or just...


Trick or Treat at Garden Valley Retirement Village

Garden Valley Retirement Village 1505 East Spruce Street, Garden City

Bring your trick or treaters to GVRV on Halloween Day from 5:30-7 pm (OR UNTIL TREATS RUN OUT). Residents will be handing out treats. This will be a safe and...


Trunk or Treat at Cornerstone Church

Cornerstone Church 2901 N. 8th Ave, Garden City

Join us for a fun and safe Trunk or Treat event in the church parking lot! Bring your family and friends to and enjoy an evening filled with creative car...


Trunk-or-Treat at First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church 1106 N Main, Garden City

Come out and enjoy a night of Candy giving at the First United Methodist Church's annual Trunk-or-Treat. If you can bring a decorated car and pass out candy, please bring...

Combat Veteran’s Family Retreat

This 4-day Retreat brings together Combat-wounded Veteran Families for a activity packed experience shared with other families who have shared similar deployment situations. While American Gratitude’s goal is to show...