Every Thursday from 7pm to about 8pm, GPMS will offer quick-craft classes. The plan is for each week’s participants to create a small craft from start-to-finish.
This week we will make a cup cover out of plastic canvas! You can use it for pencils, or plants, or other whatever you’d like.
NOTE: This will probably take longer than 1 hour. Please plan for 1.5 to 2 hours.
Class costs $10 for non-members and $5 for members. Registration in advance is required to help our instructors prepare for class. If there is no one registered for class approximately 24 hours in advance, class may be cancelled. Register here: https://greatplainsmakerspace.com/event-6035094
To take this class you need to be able to:
– Use scissors without assistance
– Thread a large needle
– Sew with a large needle
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